As a METRO Cash & Carry / METRO AG internal, please provide your full Name and E-Mail Address to [email protected] to get a user account or open directly a Ticket containing this information.
As an external, please approach your contact at METRO Cash & Carry / METRO AG and ask them to request an account for you (see above).
By default, all new METRO accounts have ‘Content Reader’ rights which allow for viewing and downloading content in MAC system.
In case you'd need higher permissions for activities as upload / managing content, please answer the following questions:
- What additional permissions would you like to get? (Upload content / Manage content)
- What kind of content are you going to upload or manage? (Country related, Corporate related, Own brand related, Catalogs related or any other)
- What is the volume of the content you'd like to upload? (Normal upload/Mass upload)
- Do you need custom upload scenarios? (e.g. assign custom classifications to uploaded content-agency Name etc.)