Since MAC constantly faced with huge queues on Pre-production in MISC FIR flow, countries could not test FIR pdfs updates in Pre-production.
To resolve this issue MAC provides now ONE API endpoint so that Users can request FIR pdfs generation manually. There is no UI for such solution so that Users need to use Swagger. Please follow the instructions below.
Link to ONE API Consumer documentation is
- ihds_mc documents are only in scope
- Swagger is available in PROD as well, but triggering re-generation doesn't guarantee high priority for your documents if queues occur
- User who requests FIR pdf generation knows that from provided fullMGB FIR pdfs must be generated.
Pre-condition: Authorization is required. User is created for country and shared to all Users from the country which plan to work with MISC FIR flow. Please contact Support team to receive credentials <[email protected]>
- Go to
- Since authorization is required click Authorize button:
- Please populate client_id and client_secret with credentials provided by Support team and click Authorize button:
- If credentials are correct please Close button, now you are authorized:
- Click endpoint which responsible for FIR generation - "Misc":
- Click "Try it out"
- Next you need to populate request with country code (1) and fullMGB (2) - means MGB, variant and bundle. Click "Execute":
When you request FIR pdf generation you must know that from provided fullMGB FIR pdfs must be generated. So that in case ihds_mc document (source) doesn't contain e.g. Allergens and Ingredients FIR pdf won't be generated.
- You'll receive response:
Which means that ihds_mc for such product is found (Code=200) and system triggers FIR pdf generation. In case ihds_mc doesn't contain necessary for FIR attributes, FIR pdf won't be generated. All other possible responses are listed below in Swagger: 200 - success, 401 - User is not authorized, 404 - ihds_mc is not found, 500 - Sever error - try again.
- In case you receive 200 response. Please wait 5-10 minutes and check FIR pdf in FIR application in Pre-production: