Note, you should have the appropriate permission granted to edit assets. Please, contact your manager or support team or use online help widget and request the permissions (how to contact support  

Batch edit

Go to Library page (Browse functionality is described in

Note, limitation of assets that can be added in one batch is 150 assets.

Select assets ticking checkbox (1) and click 'Edit' button (2) in toolbar:


MAC proposes two options:

  1. Edit in excel
  2. Reassign classifications (not in scope for 1st MAC new UI release)


Batch edit via excel

By choosing 'Edit in Excel file' and clicking "Edit" in pop up (Pic.2), the excel sheet "DAM Edit Spreadsheet" will be downloaded to your workstation.


When you open it,

Step 1 - enable editing (1),

2 - enable content (1) clicking the appropriate buttons. Note, "Enable content" is required step

On line is a single asset (2): thumbnail, asset metadata. In column is a one asset metadata field.

3 - Find the needed assets and asset metadata fields and add/update/delete the value in a cell (3). Note, not all values are editable in excel, but they will not be applied, pay attention to the legend (the 2nd tab of the file):

  1. black bold font - not editable
  2. red font - cannot be empty

4 - After you made all needed changes, save the file ('File/Save'), and the changes will be applied in MAC automatically. 

(if not, be sure that content enabled (on excel popup notification))

Tips and recommendations

  1. Edit content of the same type - product images separate from corporate campaign assets. Following this principle, you will reduce the number of columns in excel and see only fields relevant to selected content type.
  2. You can move file from original download folder for convenient edit, if "Enable Content" is active, your updates will be applied. 
  3. Be careful with data in excel and do not delay editing, if someone else updates assets in MAC, their updates are not synced with your excel.

Note, assets you have no access to are omitted from the list.

Note, the limitation is 150 assets in excel file.

Batch reassign classifications (not in scope for 1st MAC new UI release) 

By click "Reassign classifications" from the popup, you will be redirected to the page



On the left side, there is the list of selected assets (1) for batch reassignment. Note, assets you have no access to are omitted from the list.

In the right column, select business domain (or content type) to narrow down the number of classifications to work with (2), 

(3) indicates the case when all selected assets already classified in one classification, (4) indicates when some of the selected assets classified to a classification.

When you made needed changes, scroll down to button at the bottom of the page and click "Save".