Metro Asset Center: Online Trainings

Our training sessions are focused on providing and improving the skills of working with the MAC Application based on deep functionality overview and hands-on experience.

Training: Product Assets Management (Country)

The Product Assets Management Basics training is intended for those users who are dealing with product assets and applications where product assets are used. The training covers injection and management of product assets in MAC application, and distribution of product assets for digital consumers via MAC Access Layer

Training Agenda

  • Introduction: MAC overview
  • Access to MAC
  • MAC navigation: Library, business domains, taxonomy
  • Main concepts and data structure: asset details
  • Assets life-cycle and approval process
  • Upload product assets in MAC (MAC Upload Assistant, S3, etc.): new assets and new versions to existing assets
  • Content validation and assets approval
  • Publishing of product assets, MAC Access Layer
  • MAC Online support

Training: Corporate/Own Brand Campaigns Management (Head Office)

The Corporate campaigns Management Basics and Own Brand campaigns management training is intended for those users who are dealing with marketing assets, branding campaigns creatives, promotion of own brands. The training covers injection and tagging of assets, usage rights management and assets life-cycle in MAC application.

Training Agenda

  • Introduction: MAC overview
  • Access to MAC applications
  • Brand & Campaign Navigator
  • MAC navigation
  • Main concepts and data structure
  • Assets life-cycle and approval process
  • Upload assets in MAC (MUA, One Drive, Google Drive)
  • Content validation
  • MAC Online support

Training: Common Sourcing catalogues and own brands content management (Head Office)

The Common Sourcing catalogues and own brands content management training is intended for users who are creating and distributing own brand and catalogue product assets. The training covers injection of assets, usage rights management, asset life-cycle and assets management in MAC application

Training Agenda:

  • Introduction: MAC overview
  • Access to MAC
  • MAC navigation: Library, business domains, taxonomy
  • Main concepts and data structure: asset details
  • Assets life-cycle and approval process
  • Upload product assets in MAC (MAC Upload Assistant)
  • Content validation and assets approval
  • MAC Online support

Training Schedule and Registration

Training is conducted on demand

To request the training please send a request to MAC Online Support ([email protected]).

Please provide: the goal and topics/questions you would like to cover on the session, Users that will participate. 

User guides

Please find the user guides:

MAC (MAC 2.0) -

MAC Upload Assistant (MUA)

MAC Asset Director (MAD) 

Brand & Campaign Navigator (BCN)

FAQ and instructions

If you work not often with MAC and would like to have a special guide or we missed something in the guides, please write to [email protected] and let us know.